How to Manage the Shorter Days

By Janine Cole, Registered Psychotherapist

This time of year can be hard for many people. The days are shorter, and by the time we get home from our day it feels like 10 o’clock at night. So how can we navigate during this time of year? Here are a few suggestions to bring more light in to your life during the darker days of winter.

Create more light

Recreate that glow and warmth in your space with a few good pillar candles and turn the thermostat up a few degrees if needed.


Get outside

Take advantage of the sunny days when you can. Bundle up for warmth and go to your nearest park or favourite space for a walk or a skate. Engage in the outdoors mindfully. Take in the sights, smells, and feels.


Create a self care routine. Stock up on your favourite tea, get cozy under a warm fuzzy blanket and grab a book to read or jot down some thoughts in a journal. Even if you only have 15 minutes, do what you can.


Vitamin D

As we’re not getting enough sunshine, it’s good to take some Vitamin D to make up for what we’re not getting naturally. It can help to regulate your mood and energy.

Reach out

Prioritize seeing friends and family. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for support if you’re struggling. People who care about you, want to be there for you.



Get comfortable and listen to a playlist or an album. Explore something new or go to an old standby, but be present and let the music take you somewhere.


This may be a difficult time. Be aware of your feelings and have compassion for yourself. Move through the next few months in a way that feels right for you.


If you are looking for extra support, our Psychotherapy team is available to help you navigate challenging times all throughout the year. If you would like to learn more about Kim and Janine and the services they offer, visit the Psychotherapy section here.


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